In the heart of Cedar Rapids, nestled amidst a bustling urban landscape, lies Eastbank – a venue that effortlessly blends industrial chic with a touch of elegance. This was the chosen setting for a recent corporate event that was anything but ordinary. Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos took center stage, transforming an awards ceremony into an unforgettable night of music, celebration, and camaraderie.

A Night of Awards and Applause

The evening was dedicated to celebrating the company’s diligent employees, with many being recognized for their years of service and significant contributions. Amidst the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversation, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and excitement. But this was not just an awards ceremony – it was a party, and what better way to celebrate than with the infectious energy of dueling pianos?

Dueling Pianos: The Life of the Party

Positioned in the center of the room, Felix And Fingers were the pulsing heart of the celebration. Guests were encouraged to request their favorite tunes, creating a playlist as diverse and dynamic as the crowd itself. One particular highlight was a rousing rendition of Rick James’ “Give it to me Baby” that had everyone on their feet, dancing and singing along.

Eastbank: An Elevated Experience

Eastbank’s industrial vibes provided the perfect backdrop for this corporate event. The venue’s unique aesthetic added an element of sophistication, creating an elevated experience for all attendees. With its spacious layout and central location, Eastbank proved to be the ideal setting for a night of recognition and revelry.

The evening was a testament to the power of music in bringing people together. The dueling pianos were more than just entertainment – they were the catalyst for laughter, shared memories, and a sense of unity among the company’s employees.

If you’re considering hosting an event that’s out of the ordinary, why not let Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos bring a touch of magic to your celebration? With their unique blend of music and humor, they’re sure to create an atmosphere that’s both entertaining and memorable.

Don’t hesitate – give Felix And Fingers a call at (800) 557-4196 and let them turn your event into a night to remember. And don’t forget to share this blog post with anyone who might be interested in a unique, fun-filled event at Eastbank!

Remember, the best parties are those that resonate with joy, laughter, and music. And with Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos, you’re guaranteed all three.

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NameAddressWebsiteEmailPhonePrice Range
VenueEastbank Venue & LoungeAddress97 3rd Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401-1410