To begin with, Felix and Fingers LOVED the ocean views and perfect weather as they performed at a private Madeira Beach Scottish wedding. Our players, Nate Rodriguez and Brandon Parsons drove out to our client’s lovely home located on Madeira Beach. Not only did this home offer AMAZING photo opportunities, but it was the PERFECT location for an intimate wedding reception. If you’re ever in Madeira Beach, Florida, stop and check out what the area has to offer. If you’re looking to shop, rent jet ski’s or take a boat tour, check out John’s Pass Boardwalk. This beach has something for everyone!

Private Madeira Beach Scottish Wedding Florida

Private Madeira Beach Scottish WeddingGuests at this private Madeira Beach SCOTTISH wedding ERUPTED when we played 500 Miles by The Proclaimers. From the first few notes, EVERYONE flooded the dance floor. To be honest, it was an AWESOME ice breaker and our audience had a GREAT time!

The crowd at this private Madeira Beach Scottish wedding were a lively bunch. No one parties like the Scots. To start with, first dances were emotional and sincere. Felix and Fingers enjoyed performing Amazed by Lonestar. We also performed  Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel for the mother/son dance. Not a dry eye in the room. A few special moments indeed!

A Super Energetic Wedding Audience

Private Madeira Beach Scottish WeddingFelix and Fingers would like to give a shout out to the caterer at this private Madeira Beach Scottish wedding. They actually knocked it out of the park. It wasn’t long before our performers switched from background dinner jazz to PARTY tunes. Brandon and Nate knew how to pack the dance floor. For example, we asked all the kids to come up for a dance off. Felix had all the kids showing who could do the best “Floss”. It was funny and energetic!

Our audience was WILD and CRAZY all night long! Our players had EVERYONE singing and dancing to songs like Summer of 69 by Brian Adams. We LOVED unique requests such as Shout by Tears For Fears. Bon Jovi and Whitney Houston had guests bringing great moves to the floor. Above all, an unexpected sing along of the night was Loch Lomond by Runrig. By the 3rd time we played this song, EVERYONE chimed in belting this tune out LOUD. It was EPIC!

Contact Us

In conclusion, if you’d like to hire Felix and Fingers for your next special event, shoot us an email to [email protected] or click here for more info on our website. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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