Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos performing at Hotel Archer at The Domain on 2024-04-19In the heart of Austin, Texas, the Archer Hotel at The Domain recently played host to an unforgettable evening of music, laughter, and camaraderie. The star of the evening? None other than the renowned Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos.

A Symphony of Keys and Laughter

The event was a unique blend of interactive entertainment and musical prowess. The audience was not merely spectators, but active participants, with numerous requests and sing-alongs keeping the energy high throughout the evening. The crowd’s enthusiasm reached a fever pitch during a rousing rendition of “Sweet Caroline,” a testament to the universal appeal of this classic tune.

An Unexpected Star Emerges

The evening was not without its surprises. One of the highlights was when an eager helper took to the stage to perform a classic country song, “You Never Even Call Me By My Name.” His impromptu performance of the second verse was a hit, adding an extra layer of charm to the night’s proceedings.

Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos performing at Hotel Archer at The Domain on 2024-04-19A Musical Rollercoaster

The musical journey of the evening was nothing short of eclectic. The pianists navigated seamlessly through a diverse range of requests, from Taylor Swift to Wheetus, even managing to mash up “Gangster’s Paradise” with “Wanna Be a Baller.” The versatility of the performers was on full display, much to the delight of the audience.

The event was a resounding success, with Tara from Perdue expressing her appreciation for the show. The entire crew at Archer Hotel at The Domain were nothing but kind and accommodating, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all.


If you’re considering hosting a dueling piano event, look no further than Felix And Fingers. Their unique blend of musical talent and interactive entertainment is sure to make your event a memorable one. To book your event, contact Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos at (800) 557-4196.

And remember, the best way to share the fun is to share this post! Let the world know about the magic of dueling pianos at Archer Hotel at The Domain.

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VenueArcher Hotel AustinAddress3121 Palm Way
Austin, Texas 78758-7887