Saranello’s in Wheeling, Illinois, recently played host to a lively and unforgettable dueling piano event by Felix And Fingers. On October 11, 2023, the venue was transformed into a vibrant hub of music, laughter, and camaraderie as Abbvie employees from all over the country gathered for a corporate conference. With a delicious Italian dinner and incredible wine pairings setting the stage, the night promised to be an extraordinary celebration.

A Memorable Evening Begins

As the evening began, Saranello’s welcomed the Abbvie employees with open arms and a delectable Italian dinner. The mouthwatering dishes were expertly paired with exquisite wines, creating a perfect harmony of flavors to kickstart the night’s festivities. The combination of delicious food and great company set the stage for an unforgettable evening.

Sing Along Fun

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the dueling pianos performance by Felix And Fingers. The energetic duo engaged the crowd with their infectious enthusiasm, encouraging everyone to participate in the fun. The Abbvie employees embraced the opportunity wholeheartedly, requesting their favorite songs and singing along with gusto.

A Star Performance

In the midst of the lively sing-along atmosphere, one brave Abbvie employee stole the spotlight. With the encouragement of Felix And Fingers, they took to the stage and belted out “Shallow” from the hit movie A Star is Born. The crowd erupted in applause, cheering on their courageous colleague and reveling in the electrifying performance.

A Memorable Finale

As the night drew to a close, Felix And Fingers treated the crowd to a rousing rendition of “Piano Man.” The entire room erupted in song, creating a magical moment of unity and joy. The dueling pianos performance ended on a high note, leaving everyone with smiles on their faces and memories to cherish.

Contact Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos

If you’re looking to create an unforgettable event like Abbvie’s corporate celebration at Saranello’s, don’t hesitate to contact Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos. Their talented performers and engaging interactive shows are sure to leave your guests entertained and talking about the event for years to come. Reach out to them at (800) 557-4196 to book your own dueling piano experience.

Share the Experience

If you enjoyed reading about Abbvie’s incredible night at Saranello’s, share this blog post with your friends and colleagues. Let them know about the exciting dueling piano event and inspire them to create their own unforgettable memories. Together, we can spread the joy of music and celebration!

Remember, when it comes to dueling pianos and creating an extraordinary event, Felix And Fingers Dueling Pianos is the name to trust. Contact them today and let the magic begin!

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NameAddressWebsiteEmailPhonePrice Range
VenueSaranello'sAddress601 N Milwaukee Ave
Wheeling, Illinois 60090-3023