Welcome to our Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate Conference. Our players, Michael Sherman and Robert Deason, performed a dueling piano show in Springfield, Illinois, like no other. So let us take you on a whimsical journey through our recent super-fun dancing and sing-along event!

Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate Conference Springfield, Illinois

Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate ConferenceFrom the moment guests stepped foot into the Crowne Plaza, they were greeted with warmth and charm. The Crowne Plaza exudes sophistication and style, providing a perfect backdrop for any event. With each detail meticulously curated, every corner of their space tells a story of luxury and comfort. Crowne Plaza’s ambiance definitely sets the stage for an evening filled with laughter, camaraderie, and, of course, exceptional music!

And let’s not forget about Crowne Plaza’s stellar staff. From the moment you book your event to the final curtain call, their team ensures every detail is flawless. Their dedication and passion shine through in every interaction, making everyone feel like part of the Crowne Plaza family. If you’d like further information on Crowne Plaza Springfield, please click here.

As Michael and Robert tickled the ivories, guests indulged in a feast fit for royalty. Picture this: delicious appetizers circulating the room, boasting succulent shrimp and mouth-watering prime rib. Our Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate Conference culinary journey was just the beginning of an unforgettable evening!

Sing-Along Extravaganzas, Fun Flair, and Finesse United in Song and Spirit

Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate ConferenceTransitioning seamlessly from dining to entertainment, everyone found themselves immersed in a singalong extravaganza. Requests flooded in faster than you could say “encore,” and Felix delivered each tune with flair and finesse.

From classic favorites to unexpected gems, the playlist catered to every musical palate. Imagine a room filled with guests belting out tunes such as Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. Even more, Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey surely united our excited crowd in song and spirit. What a special moment indeed! Oh, and did we mention that when Vanessa Carlton’s A Thousand Miles was performed, everyone sang along in perfect unison? Our crowd actually sounded amazing.

Above all, as our Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate Conference drew to a close, everyone’s energy remained palpable. This was in fact a testament to the victory of our Crowne Plaza Dueling Pianos Annual Corporate Conference. As guests bid farewell to one another, Felix placed another successful corporate event in their books.

Contact Us

Contact Felix today to experience the magic. Shoot us an email at info@felixandfingers.com or click here to learn more about our amazing show.

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NameAddressWebsiteEmailPhonePrice Range
VenueCrowne Plaza SpringfieldAddress3000 S Dirksen Pkwy
Springfield, Illinois 62703-4504