For the second year in a row, Felix and Fingers Dueling Pianos performed at a Glen Oak Country Club fundraiser. This fundraiser is called “Cocktails for a Cure” that raises money to support research and many other aspects for Type I Diabetes. This fun and noteworthy event took place at the country club located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. To learn more about the country club and what they offer, please click here!

Glen Oak Country Club Fundraiser

Glen Oak Country Club FundraiserThis venue did a great job helping set up the fundraising tables throughout the room and arranged the items and tables to maximize the space. Guests had a variety of items to donate on in the silent auction. Additionally they had it set up where those who donated could receive updates on their phones for this Glen Oak Country Club fundraiser. Before the fundraiser began, we watched an inspiring video and a group toast led by Lisa. The message really hit home when we heard a moving speech given my Lisa’s son. We were very happy to be a part of such a great cause and fundraiser.

Dancing For a Cure

Duncan led the way in the live auction and did an incredible job with it! He engaged the crowd in everything he did and easily helped raise between ten and twelve thousand dollars for the fundraiser. More so, we had the crowd moving and grooving the time away. Everyone wanted to keep dancing and the dance floor stayed full the entire time! We saw kart wheels, sprinklers, Michael Jackson-like moves, and even a fully choreographed dance to “Uptown Funk”. We enjoyed playing for such a fun crowd in a great venue.

Contact Us!

Interested in having Felix and Fingers perform and liven up your next fundraiser? Please email us at [email protected] or click the link below to reach our contact page. Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!

Felix and Fingers Contact Page

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VenueGlen Oak Country ClubEmail+1-630-469-5600